Friday, April 15, 2011

Countdown--10 days 'til California!

It is coming up soon! Just 10 days left until we fly to California. We've still got a fair bit of prep work to do before we are ready, but it is all coming together. A lot of friends and coworkers have had a lot of questions about the upcoming trip that we'd like to share so you know the answers too.
Here's a typical conversation: 

Q: Are you going to sleep in a tent the whole time? A: Yes, aside from sporadic visits to civilization to resupply on food...
Q: Are you going to pack heat (or a knife or bear mace)? A: No. (If I were going into the inner city, then maybe...)
Q: Aren't you worried about bears and mountain lions? I've heard of a lot of attacks in California. A: No. We are taking precautions as necessary and know what to do if that situation arises.
Q: Are you at least going to carry a cell phone? You know, just in case something bad happens, like an attack from the aforementioned bear/mountain lion? A: No. But we will have a device that can send out a signal just in case...
Q: Now how did you say this was going to take? A: 5 months if all goes well. 
(By this point in the conversation I think the inquirer begins to think we really are off our rockers! )

Just to clear the air though: Both Garrett and I have put in a lot of backpacking adventures together and Garrett is an outdoor professional, so he literally has spent just as much time sleeping in a tent over the last two years as he has spent sleeping under a roof.
Thank you everyone for all of your warm wishes! We are excited to start this special experience together. Stay Tuned!


  1. Awesome post, Maya. I have to admit, I had similar questions in mind so I'm glad for the response. Can't wait to hear about the start of the journey!

  2. You need to post your "outdoors-men" (and outdoors-woman) resume for us.
