Thursday, July 21, 2011

As the miles go up, the donations do to.

I just wanted to let everyone know that as Maya and I have been working hard to make the miles toward our goal of Canada you have helped show your support through the donations to the West Virginia Highlands Conservancy.

Through your help we have raised over 700 dollars.  We thank you for our support.  At this time we have hiked just over a thousand miles.  So help us stay motivated as we hike and give some support to the WVHC. 

Thanks, Maya & Garrett

PS. We love when people leave comments!!

1 comment:

  1. I assume you received my donation, a flat amount was easier for me than by the mile, plus at the time I was trying to put you over your expected amount raised at that time. Hope everyone reading your blog chips in, even a flat $10 would help you out I am sure.
